Our business
Intelligent Ultrasound aims to unlock ultrasound for everyone through the provision of products that train clinicians in the classroom and then support and guide them in the clinic with real-time artificial intelligence image analysis software.

Edison Open Forum interview with Stuart Gall; CEO
Business model
Invest in R&D to develop and then commercialize software-based disruptive technologies in the ultrasound healthcare market
Ultrasound is one the world’s leading diagnostic modalities and although the increasing availability of low-cost handheld devices is increasing the professional ultrasound user base, the directors continue to believe that this alone is not sufficient to open up the potential for ultrasound to become a mass-market diagnostic tool that can be used by medical practitioners who do not possess specialist ultrasound skills.
To achieve wider use, ultrasound needs to become simpler to use by making ultrasound machines ‘smarter’, supporting users both in their image acquisition skills and with semi-automated or automated decision-making. This will involve either integrating AI-based image analysis into professional imaging devices or analysing images using AI off-the machine in the post processing environment such as PACS.
Intelligent Ultrasound therefore aims to be not only a major global provider of hi-fidelity simulation-based ultrasound training products, but to also follow the medical professional into the clinic and be a global provider of AI-based clinical ultrasound software products that support, guide and speed up ultrasound scanning to make ultrasound more accessible to all clinicians.

As such the Group invests in R&D to develop and then generate revenue from software-based disruptive technologies in the following markets:
Classroom – Develop and sell advanced ultrasound training simulators to hospitals and medical institutions, to enable more clinicians to use ultrasound in the clinic
Clinic – develop regulatory approved AI-based image analysis algorithms and either sign royalty-based license agreements that integrate the software into imaging vendor’s hardware or sell proprietary add-on products through our own aftermarket sales channels
Home – developing and sell regulatory-approved AI-based image analysis apps that integrate the software into consumer scanning hardware in the home health awareness market.
The business model builds on the key strengths and resources of the Group by leveraging our knowledge and experience in medical ultrasound, simulation, image segmentation, and machine learning to develop software that can increase the numbers of medical professionals who can use ultrasound, as well as increasing the speed and quality of scanning itself.
In the long term, as the price and size of ultrasound hardware comes down and the performance of AI-enabled software advances, the Group aims to expand out from the medical professional imaging market to providing enabling software for mass-market AI-based health assessment scanning at home for the health-conscious consumer.
2023 Interim Results Investors Presentation
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